Items in your Shopping Cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on the item's product detail page. All prices are listed in Rupees.
All prices are listed in Rupees. "Price", as displayed, is inclusive of all taxes at the appropriate rate. Items in your Shopping Cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on the item's product detail page. Please note that this price may differ from the price shown for the item when you first placed it in your cart. Placing an item in your cart does not reserve the price shown at that time. It is also possible that an item's price may decrease or increase between the time you place it in your basket and the time you purchase it.
If you are a business customer shopping on Telebrands india, the Price (mentioned above) may mean the "Business Price", if a discounted price is available to you for the product which shall be inclusive of all taxes at the appropriate rate. For the bulk purchases being made by you, the Price may mean the "Quantity Price" which is inclusive of any discounts on the products purchased by you.
Telebrands india doesn't offer price matching for any items sold by any seller on our website or other websites.
Availability estimates are provided on product detail pages, depending upon the status of the item's stock with the respective seller.
The estimated availability of each product tells you the time required for a product to be available in one of our fulfilment centres and allows you to estimate the time it takes to receive your order. Here's a list of availability estimates you may see while shopping on
In Stock: The item is available; we expect to prepare it for dispatch within a few hours to a few days. Be sure to check Your Account for the latest delivery estimate. Any other specific length of time (i.e: 3-4 days, 3-5 weeks, 1-2 months): It will take this amount of time for the item to be received from the supplier, packed and prepared for dispatch.
Temporarily Out of Stock: This item is currently not in stock but it's available for ordering. If you place an order, we will send you an e-mail with the expected delivery date as soon as we have that information from our suppliers.
Currently Unavailable: This item is currently not available for ordering.
In any of the above cases, we will inform you by e-mail if the availability estimate changes or if any items in your order become unavailable. To keep you informed of the status of your order, we will send you one confirmation e-mail on your purchase, and another one, once we have shipped your order. In this e-mail, we will indicate the estimated delivery date, the contents of your package and the delivery option.
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