The Power abs help you create a strong core without any painful effort, useless dieting or harmful pills. You get overall toned body & flat stomach in just minutes a day. As the name suggests is a complete abs exercise machine. It provides a comprehensive abdominal region workout. It targets upper abs, middle abs, lower abs and side obliques for a total ab workout.
This revolutionary abs exercise machine will transform your full body. It simultaneously works on your abs, obliques, love handles, back, hips, thighs, and calf are in one single motion, without any wasted motion or effort. The secret lies in its revolutionary design that cradles your back and supports your neck as you rock back & forth for a defined & toned body. It helps to strengthen your core by rocking back and forth for easier crunches, reverse crunches, oblique exercises and more. The innovative seat design gives you an option to twist and turn your lower body to maximize your work-out.
It is sturdy, very durable, safe and easy to use. It comes with roller cushions to support your back & neck roller. It improves body posture and shapes your shoulders too. Along with weight loss, this also helps in inch loss & improves your metabolism. Exercises to be done with the help Power Abs include: Crunches, Reclining crunches, Leg raises and Side Twisters.
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