The Fitness Studio is total body workout equipment that is designed for your whole body workout. You can work on your ab’s, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, legs, hips and arms with the help of this one single machine.
Now you can work out in the comfort of your home on this complete Home Gym. It features an abs exerciser for targeting your core, adjustable bench for upper and lower body exercises and resistance bands for strength and resistance exercises.
The abs roller on the Fitness Studio helps you target lower, middle, upper abs and thighs all in the same motion. The 4 levels resistance system challenges you to work on your abdomen on different strength levels. The Fitness Studio helps you to acquire 8 pack abs by developing your midsection by compression and strength.
The Bench is sturdy, cushioned and durable. One can perform exercises such as Incline bench press, Decline bench press, bicep curls, triceps extension, dips, push ups, step ups, glute lunges and other varied exercises on the Fitness Studio machine bench.
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